Dr. Joseph and Avonne (Vonnie) Askins are both ordained ministers to the body of Christ through Glory of Zion International and Apostle Chuck Pierce. They are CO-founders of Living Faith Ministries and Living Faith Ministries International Apostolic Network,
Joseph ministers nationally and internationally equipping leadership and the body of Christ to see transformation come to lives, regions and nations.
Vonnie ministers God's healing power to both rape and abuse victims, as well as those who are in need of receiving God's forgiveness for the sin of abortion.
They have a diverse ministry and business background. Joseph attended the Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, Colorado and served as an assistant Pastor in the Nazarene denomination for 7 years before founding Askins & Associates, Inc. a computer networking consulting firm they operated for 12 years prior to re-entering into full time ministry birthing Living Faith Ministries International in 1999. They then served on the Apostolic leadership team of Bethel Christian Fellowship in Rochester, NY until June of 2004. Because of this diversity and the gifts the Holy Spirit has placed in them for equipping the body of Christ, they have been used to build bridges between churches from different streams as well as provide an opportunity to bring the ministry of Jesus Christ to the market place.
Through Living Faith Ministries they provide oversite to both local fellowships and ministries as well as internationally they provide oversite to a network of churches in Ethiopia.
From 2004 -2012 Joseph served as the founder and Chancellor of Wagner Leadership Institute Northeast which was a regional campus of WLI and where Vonnie served as the registrar.
Joseph & Vonnie are the founders of a network of Pastors, Ministry Leaders and Intercessors all across New York. Joseph has served on the National Apostolic council of the United States Reformation Prayer Network under the direction of Dr. Cindy Jacobs and they also served as the apostolic leaders of both the U.S.RPN and Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network for New York, U.S. Virgin Islands and Ethiopia. Joseph also served as a consultant and director for the Apostolic Intercessors Network a marketplace ministry.
Joseph has been a member of the International Coalition of Apostles, In 2007 Joseph earned his Masters and Doctorate in Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute. They have seen the Holy Spirit work many signs, wonders and miracles. Joseph and Avonne have three adult children and 7 Grandchildren.
Call Living Faith Ministries at (585) 738-0773 to schedule them to come bring a word from the Lord. Or email them at jda@lfminternational.net
To partner with them please send your offering to :
Living Faith Ministries, Inc. P.O. BOX 1473 Webster, New York 14580